An informative solution that reports on pool quality for sports clubs, hotels, camping, and public pools. Users can enhance their enjoyment by being able to check at any given time that the pool they plan to visit is well treated and in top condition, with peace of mind and confidence guaranteed.
What information does iNNfoPool report?
A range of information about pool conditions can be reported, depending on the equipment installed. Water quality is currently the major focus and information could be broadened to include other indicators in the future. iNNfoPool reports on all the pools at a particular facility on a single screen.
iNNfoPool works with multiple digital platforms, including:
How does iNNfoPool benefit pool users?
How does iNNfoPool benefit pool owners/operators?
What do I need to run iNNfoPool at my facility?
The facility equipment must have NN technology to use the innfoPool solution. A range of information about pool conditions can be reported, depending on the equipment installed.